Starlit Ethnobotanical Wonders, 2024

Ikebana Performance | Installation, sound piece, mixed media, and collected materials, size variable

Artist residency program by Ma Umi Residencies collaboration with partner PF25 cultural projects

Ma Umi Residencies, Ishigaki, Japan

Ikebana performance 'Starlit Ethnobotanical Wonders' by Hedy Leung at Ma UMI residencies
Ikebana performance 'Starlit Ethnobotanical Wonders' by Hedy Leung at Ma UMI residencies
Ikebana performance featuring medicinal herbs and nocturnal pollination elements
Ikebana performance featuring medicinal herbs and nocturnal pollination elements

Starlit Ethnobotanical Wonders is an enchanting exploration that melds the ancestral wisdom of ethnobotanical knowledge and the intricate ecosystem of nocturnal pollination. Beyond its aesthetic allure, this project, rooted in Ikebana, intertwines the Ikebana performance and community workshops, weaving a narrative that connects humanity, nature, and the therapeutic essence of medicinal herbs.

The residency program centers on the symbiotic bond between humans and plants, drawing on ancestral wisdom, islander traditions, and the intricate connections within ethnobotany, medicinal herbology, and nocturnal pollination ecosystems. Rooted in ethnobotanical knowledge, islander traditions recognise the therapeutic and spiritual properties of plants. Ikebana, in this context, becomes a living tribute to the wisdom passed down through generations, celebrating the interconnectedness between humans, plants, and the ecosystems that sustain us.

By weaving diverse cultural elements into Ikebana, the performance becomes a tribute to the shared stories and traditions inspired by ethnobotanical knowledge, where each plant’s selection reflect its cultural significance and medicinal value. Ikebana, embodying various cultural influences, undergoes a metamorphosis into a vessel — a medium through which the healing power of plants is communicated. This fosters a visual and conceptual dialogue across cultural landscapes, deepening our understanding of the intersections between nature, culture, and wellness.

Found objects and sound piece setup in the ikebana performance-installation
Found objects and sound piece setup in the ikebana performance-installation

Photos © Valerie Portefaix